Contribute to Joke Library
We at Joke Library are keen to develop relationships with other like-minded people and if you would like to contribute to the jokes on this blog, please contact us - we would be happy to hear from you. However, please observe these few basic rules:
1. Before Posting a Joke:
Please make sure that it is not already listed. As much as we love great jokes, there is nothing worse than reading the same joke over and over again.
2. Template Defaults:
Please do not use any fancy fonts or colour (unless absolutely necessary). The site is designed to convert the fonts from the blogger input field to template defaults. However, if you were to change this at the input stage, it would override the defaults. Joke Library reserve the right to amend content accordingly.
3. Use of Language:
Some computers are filtered and as a result, the entire site will be inaccessible to the reader rather than just a small aspect. Usually the trigger words that are filtered are swear words. Therefore, when contributing jokes that include profanity, swear words, etc., please try as much as possible to mask these (using words such as sh1t, a$$ - the words are still recognisable, however they will not affect the accessibility of the overall site).
4. Overposting:
Please do not bombard Joke Library with jokes. Please only post a maximum of 4 jokes per day. There is a facility whereby you can keep content in draft until such a time as you want to post it. We suggest that this facility is used.
5. Confidentiality:
If you wish to use the email facility to contribute your jokes (your email address can be found at "Settings", "Email", "Mail-to-Blogger Address" in your account once it is set up). Please make sure that all unnecessary symbols, words, footers and "Fwd" or "Re:" in the title fields are removed from the message. We do not wish to divulge other people's confidential information (the reams of original message headers and footers when forwarding) and it is not essential to the content of the joke. All we require is the joke itself.
6. Spelling, etc:
Joke Library try to be as correct as they can with puntuctation, spelling and grammar. Please be as observant as you can be.
7. Photos:
When uploading a photo, please make sure that: a) it is clean or in good taste; b) it is necessary, and; c) it is uploaded in the smallest size.
8. Is it actually a joke?:
We could ask that no material which is offensive should be uploaded ... but this would leave the site rather bare! Please do however, ask yourselves whether the content of your contribution is actually a "joke" or a derogatory remark. Outright rasicm, porn, defamation to a particular person or group of people, etc., will not be tolerated. (This list is not exhaustive. Joke Library's word will be the final one).
9. Joke Library reserve the right to delete, alter, amend and correct the content of any message which is posted to the site, or in extreme cases, remove the contributor.
Any Questions?
Wanna Contribute?
Have a comment or complaint?
Email Us here